On 11.08.2010 11:05, Bolstridge, Andrew wrote:
> The second aspect: client-stored passwords, this isn't so much about storing 
> them on the client but about having different ones. Enterprises want 
> single-signon, ie, a single password, centrally held, that is used for all 
> apps. They don't really care about storing it locally so much as caring when 
> Mildred calls the helpdesk to say her password doesn’t work only to find 
> she's changed her main login but her svn password is the old, different one. 
> I don't think there's much to do here, except to get LDAP working. 
> Fortunately, VisualSVN allows integrated authentication with Active 
> Directory, and most enterprises still use Windows.

What has that got to do with anything? You stock plain-vanilla
Subversion server can integrate with Active Directory just fine, if
you're serving via Apache. You don't need VisualSVN for that. So a
password update will change the SVN password, said user will receive a
password prompt from the Subversion client *once*, and SVN will
presumably store that password securely (at least, it will on Windows).

-- Brane

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