[Ivan Cenov]
> I set svn:mime-type text/plain; charset=windows-1251 on several files.
> Also, I entered a commit message with Bulgarian (Cyrillic) text) and
> English text
> Then I showed one of these committed files in ViewVC.
> The page came in UTF-8. The log message showed properly - the Cyrillic text
> appeared and was readable. The file content was replaced with ?????????

Did you apply Mike's recent fix to ViewVC?  He described it:

| So, Ivan, if you missed my commit to ViewVC yesterday, the trunk and
| 1.1.x branch tip code will parse svn:mime-type, extract the charset=
| bit, and pass it's value off to Pygments when doing syntax
| highlighting for the markup and annotate views.

Without that fix, I would expect to see exactly what you saw.
Peter Samuelson | org-tld!p12n!peter | http://p12n.org/

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