On 02.09.2010 11:10, Daniel Näslund wrote:
>> So this implicitly creates the file if it doesn't exist already; in
>> other words, we do not distinguish setting a property on an existing
>> file (without content changes) from adding a file with properties.
>> Would it be better to make a distinction --- for example, by generating
>> a /^new file/ line in the latter case?  (that would be explicit and more
>> friendly to non-property-aware tools)
> My personal opinion is that it would be better to add a --git option to
> svn patch and only apply tree changes and property changes if we have a
> git diff and a the --git diff option given. Then we wouln't have these
> kind of overlapping cases. But for the user it's more convinient to just
> call 'svn patch PATCH_FILE' on whatever file we have at hand.
> It's a personal opinion and I'm not really advocating it... Just making
> noise I guess. :)

There's no inherent reason (that I can see) why "svn patch" should need
such an option, is there? Except if we want to introduce a stricter
mode, e.g., that would forbid property changes on nonexistent files
unless the "new file" tree change is signalled. There's not really any
overlap here.

-- Brane

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