On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 4:11 PM, Keith Palmer Jr. <ke...@consolibyte.com> wrote:
> We'd like to use the svn:// protocol to check out some code over a WAN, but 
> we want to make sure that the code isn't traveling over the WAN in plain-text.
> If we set up the repo to require min-compression 128 via SASL, does that 
> encrypt *just the authentication* or does that *encrypt the actual data 
> transfer* too?
> I've asked just about everywhere else and can't seem to get a straight answer 
> out of anyone- some people say yes, some people say no.

Capture a small checkout using Wireshark and see for yourself.

Reading this file:


And the Known Issues regarding TLS.  It almost sounds like the login
process is a plain text conversation, although with DIGEST-MD5 perhaps
still relatively secure, and then only after you have authenticated it
can encrypt the data?

I think you would want to capture the traffic to see for yourself.  Or
use something like SSH or https and not have any doubts.


Mark Phippard

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