On Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:04:03PM +0200, Dario Niedermann wrote:
> The community guide on Subversion's website says it's OK to ask on
> dev@ if a report on a possible issue with svn doesn't goes unanswered
> on users@. Considering that the only reply I got on users@ was from
> someone who completely misread the problem, it seemed to me that the
> last-ditch attempt before opening an issue was to report it is dev@.

Thank for you for reading the guide!

> Returning to the original topic, and just to be even clearer: this is
> about Subversion NOT RUNNING a script because it has a FLAG FOR THE
> SHELL in its SHEBANG LINE. Not because I got the path to bash wrong or
> because there is some other error in my script (as should be *OBVIOUS*
> from my very first email).

Communication over email is not guaranteed to be loss-free.
Some people will always disagree about what's obvious.
That's not a problem in itself. It only becomes a problem if
you don't have the patience to deal with it.

> I was asking if not running a script under these circumstances is
> INTENDED BEHAVIOUR for svn or if it might be a BUG IN SUBVERSION.

I suppose this could be fixed, yes, so if you like please open issue.

I don't think it's a very important bug to fix though because there is
an easy workaround. You should be able to work around this by adding:

  set -e

on the first line of your script.

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