> On Mar 14, 2020, at 11:42 AM, Daniel Shahaf <d...@daniel.shahaf.name> wrote:
> Stefan Sperling wrote on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 15:00 +0100:
>>> On Sat, Mar 14, 2020 at 09:25:21AM -0400, Mark Phippard wrote:
>>> OK, then let's just move past it and hope it gets fixed in APR? If no one
>>> raises their hand saying they are working on a fix, you should proceed as if
>>> we are never going to fix this in our product. Otherwise, we are just stuck
>>> here in limbo. Security bug or not, if no one is going to fix it then what 
>>> is
>>> there to wait for?  
>> At a minimum the test failures on Windows would need to be fixed.
>> The easiest path forward we would be to revert the entire change,
>> and then ship 1.14 with a known problem. I still hope that we'll
>> manage to get enough support somehow to actually fix the problem,
>> though I don't know how. I am not going to fix Window-specific bugs
>> myself because I lack a dev environment and don't have any experience
>> with developing on this platform.
> Reminder: Active Apache committers can apply for MSDN licenses, which
> AIUI include access to Windows VMs.
> There are a few Windows build scripts lying around (e.g.,
> tools/dev/windows-build/, tools/dev/build-svn-deps-win.pl, buildbots,
> and that's just in our tree).

These are also a good option if it is just to quickly test/debug something:


They are available to anyone.


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