On Thu, Nov 26, 2020 at 4:16 PM Daniel Sahlberg <daniel.l.sahlb...@gmail.com>

> Den ons 25 nov. 2020 kl 16:40 skrev Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com>:
>> On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 8:52 AM Daniel Sahlberg <
>> daniel.l.sahlb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >...
>>> As for the question in your other mail (the reply to Daniel Shahaf)
>>> regarding the desire to keep the URLs. My initial question to Daniel
>>> Stenberg was if they would consider CNAME:ing svn.haxx.se to my server
>>> and he seemed ok with that, however we have not reached a formal agreement.
>>> I assume it would be even easier for him to CNAME it to a server provided
>>> by the ASF.
>> I would suggest a CNAME to svn-haxx.apache.org, which Infra would
>> further CNAME to (say) svn-qavm. That would mean Mr Stenberg wouldn't ever
>> need to alter his CNAME record, while the ASF could repoint svn-haxx.a.o
>> at-will over time. Today, the "301 mapping server" could be svn-qavm, but
>> maybe we'd do something different in a few years
> Now that we seem to have an agreement with Daniel Stenberg, what is the
> next step? You mentioned something about volunteer time, so what can we do?
> Do you want to have a 301 redirect from the old urls to another archive,
> or is it acceptable to just keep the site as it is? The site is mostly HTML
> files with some SSIs. In addition there are a few CGI scripts (perl-based)
> but I think these can be replaced with static HTML pages. So if we can keep
> the site as it is, then it is is "just" a matter of providing a VHOST where
> the site can be uploaded.

I think the first steps should be getting the site as-is uploaded to
whatever location Greg indicates and coordinating the CNAME setup with
Daniel Stenberg. This will ensure the archive to date remains accessible.

Then we can discuss what steps to take next, what form the archive should
take, etc.


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