Johan Corveleyn wrote:
>It's not specific to 'svn update' per se, but it's logical that it
>leads to this discussion, because it is a (commonly used) case where
>the pristine is not actually needed for the operation (if there is no
>actual incoming update to the concerned file). 'svn diff' and 'svn
>revert' cannot do their work without the pristine, but 'update without
>an actual incoming edit'?
>And even with an 'incoming edit on update (on top of local mod)' it
>might in theory be possible to delay the download of the full pristine
>until after conflict-resolution decision (but I imagine that's even
>more difficult to untangle).
>Also, why should 'svn update' be in the business of (silently)
>restoring "the branch's invariant" (even when it does not need the
>file), and not any other operation (like 'svn status -u' for example)?

Thanks for adding all this rationale. +1 to it all. 100% agreed.

- Julian

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