Suraj Kurapati wrote:
> I'm pleased to announce the next evolution of my YAML-based Ruby wmiirc:

I forgot to mention that the YAML structure has changed in this new
version, so your old config.yaml will not work as-is.  In particular,
the following incompatible changes have been mode.

(1) The "script" section now defines an array:

# Arbitrary logic to execute either before or after processing this file.  Any
# number of "before" and "after" subsections may be defined within this section.
#   script:
#     - before: <Ruby code to execute before processing this file>
#     - after:  <Ruby code to execute after processing this file>
#     # ...

(2) Keys in the"display:status" section have changed, and the code is
evaluated inside a Wmiirc::Status object (see "display/status.yaml"
for details).

  # Status bar applets.
  #   - <name>:
  #       refresh:  <number of seconds to wait before updating the label>
  #       script:   <Ruby code to evaluate in the Wmiirc::Status
  #                  object that corresponds to this definition.>
  #       label:    <Ruby code whose result is displayed as the
  #                  content.  This code is placed inside a
  #                  label() method in the Wmiirc::Status object
  #                  that corresponds to this definition.>
  #       mouse_action:
  #         <mouse event>: <name of action>
  # You can refresh a particular status bar applet in Ruby using:
  #   Status["your applet name"].refresh

(3) The "control:grab" section was moved to "control:keyboard:grabmod".

(4) The "control:key" section was split into "control:action" and
"control:keyboard_action" so that the same logic can be shared among
keyboard shortcuts and mouse events.

  # Keyboard shortcuts.
  #   <key sequence>: <name of action>
  # A key sequence may contain ${...} expressions which
  # are replaced with the value corresponding to '...' in
  # the "control:keyboard" section of this configuration.
  # For example, if the "control:keyboard" section was:
  #   control:
  #     keyboard:
  #       foo: Mod4
  #       bar: y
  # and the following key sequence was used:
  #   ${foo}-${bar},${bar}
  # then after ${...} expression replacement,
  # that key sequence would appear like this:
  #   Mod4-y,y

(5) The "program" section was renamed to "prefer".

I think that's about it.  Cheers.

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