On Mon, Jan 4, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Armando Di Cianno <arma...@goodship.net> wrote:
> * BUG: reload (from /lib/wmiirc, i.e. the menu) does not work -- it
> attempts to launch ".wmii/wmiirc" (which is $0) instead of the full
> path, e.g. "~/.wmii/wmiirc" or "/home/fafhrd/.wmii/wmiirc".

Thanks.  I also noticed this yesterday and fixed it.

> * ANNOYANCE: It was really surprising to see the defaults for
> max/stack/default be Mod-z,X.  I don't follow HEAD of wmii development
> (maybe I should), but this really confused me for a minute.  Maybe I
> use column client shifting more than most, but I'll probably be
> changing this back.  (The addition of Mod-z,Shift-X is interesting,
> btw.)

That's a strange shortcut indeed; where are you getting it?
I assume you are using the control/keyboard/qwerty partial.

> * BUG: Related to above, but Mod-z,s/d don't seem to work right at
> all, creating new columns willy-nilly (although Mod-z,m seems to
> work).  For e.g., if I have 2 columns, the right most with 4 clients,
> and one is focused, then I do Mod-z,d, I get a new middle column with
> 3 clients, and the focused one of the 4, is now in its own column,
> rightmost.

Thanks, fixed.

> * ANNOYANCE: the default move of cycling through tags went from Mod-b
> and n to Mod-, and ..  This would've been fine, but Mod-b is now "move
> to temporary view", which was confounding for a minute as I made sense
> of the new environment

Thanks.  I changed prev/next to b/n and -b to -w for the temp view.

> * BUG: running ~/.wmii/wmiirc doesn't return -- not /explicitly/ a
> bug, but I'd expect it to do so, after killing/cleaning up the last
> instance.

Yes, because it is not a daemon, but maybe it should be since I tee
stdout and stderr to the log file anyway.

> I do agree with Emmanuel's point, that generally, editting Ruby-code
> in the YAML file is somewhat irritating.  Hopefully, as this
> reorganization and cleanup continues, we might be able to massage that
> a bit.

Sure, let's see how things go.

> Thanks for your efforts in Ruby + wmii!  Cheers,

You're welcome.  :)

Thanks for reporting these issues.

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