On 04-03 20:27, Aurélien Aptel wrote:
2. alsamixer(1) behaves horribly.
Could you be more specific? Screenshots, stderr, etc. If you're using TERM=st, make sure you've install the terminfo entry, as explained in the faq.

It just renders horribly slow, like downloading a GIF in the Ninetees. Terminfo is set.

Running "time alsamixer" and immediately pressing ESC to quit it takes less than .2 seconds with TERM=xterm, but more than 0.4 with TERM=st[-256color].

3. I really like urxvt(1)s urlLauncher functionality. Copy+Pasting URLs is a PITA, especially on laptops without a middle mouse button for pasting. What do you all think about it?
I agree. If we implement a way to redirect the terminal i/o (cf. "goals" page), one could probably script this feature easily.

Missed looking there again: http://st.suckless.org/goals

Theoretical features
- Redirect the IO of the terminal to a file (pancake)
- URL selecting/launching in browser similiar to vimperator’s mark mode and the urxvt script (patch?) (possibly piped through something like plumb to determine which app to use) (n0nsense)

Well, then we just need the flamewar about transparency again :p


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