Ethan Grammatikidis dixit (2011-04-04, 02:34):

> XFCE terminal binds ctrl-shift-C/V to clipboard copy/paste. They're  
> not great bindings but they're memorable. Someone mentioned shift- 
> insert, was that for clipboard or selection paste? Shift-insert  
> reminds me of DOS edit.exe which used that binding for paste and  
> ctrl- and alt-insert for copy and cut if I remember right. Again,  
> they weren't the world's most wonderful bindings but they worked and  
> probably can't conflict with anything in the terminal.

In my standard X environment most programs accept the convention, that
MMB *and* shift-insert insert the selection, while whichever program
supports the clipboard it has some clipboard shortcut (and those two
do not overlap). For inserting clipboard in selection-aware programs
(urxvt for example), a I have keybinding to overwrite the selection
with the clipboard:

{ MODKEY, XK_c, spawn, SHCMD("xsel -b -o | xsel -i") },


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