Le 03/09/2012 21:48, Martti Kühne a écrit :
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 9:46 PM, Martti Kühne<mysat...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 9:00 PM, Julien Richefeu<jice...@free.fr>  wrote:

I am using both last git release dvtm with st on two different computer
under debian testing up to date.

On some reason dvtm wotk like a charm on the first computer but have tricky
behavior (bad display with repeted or missing characters while typing,
colors are missing) on the second.

More, when I use dvtm with another terminal emulator (terminator , xterm,
xfce terminal) on the second computer, dvtm works perfectly.

I investigate the issue (check for the version, dependencies, ...) without
finding any clues.

Is someone has on idea on this one?

A couple of questions which you seem not to consider:
Do you have different LANG/encoding especially, TERM env or font?
Is st's version exactly the same on both or what versions are installed?
Does the same difference apply to other terminals eg. xterm?

Taking a minute longer, yes st seems to be a different version.
What st version exactly is it that is bad?

Hi Martti,

Yes you have right, some explanations are missing:
1/ dvtm work well with another terminal emulator (xterm or xfce terminal) on the same computer that has issue with st. 2/ on both computer (one that works with st and the other), language, font and shell configuration are the same. 3/ on both computer dvtm ans st configuration are the same and are the default one. 4/ the st version installed on both computer is the last git relase compiled on the computer (I do not try to copy binaries and execute it on the other computer, I will try it). The version is from commit beecb162e346c328db2a7ff1c0574352fe0ebebc.


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