xrmx commented on a change in pull request #3492: PandasConnector

 File path: contrib/connectors/pandas/models.py
 @@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from datetime import datetime
+import logging
+from past.builtins import basestring
+    from urllib.parse import urlparse
+except ImportError:
+    from urlparse import urlparse
+import pandas as pd
+from pandas.api.types import (
+    is_string_dtype, is_numeric_dtype, is_datetime64_any_dtype)
+from sqlalchemy import (
+    Column, Integer, String, ForeignKey, Text
+import sqlalchemy as sa
+from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship
+from sqlalchemy_utils import ChoiceType, JSONType
+from flask import escape, Markup
+from flask_appbuilder import Model
+from flask_babel import lazy_gettext as _
+from superset import db, utils, sm
+from superset.connectors.base.models import (
+    BaseDatasource, BaseColumn, BaseMetric)
+from superset.models.helpers import QueryResult, set_perm
+from superset.utils import QueryStatus
+class PandasDatabase(object):
+    """Non-ORM object for a Pandas Source"""
+    database_name = ''
+    cache_timeout = None
+    def __init__(self, database_name, cache_timeout):
+        self.database_name = database_name
+        self.cache_timeout = cache_timeout
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.database_name
+class PandasColumn(Model, BaseColumn):
+    """
+    ORM object for Pandas columns.
+    Each Pandas Datasource can have multiple columns"""
+    __tablename__ = 'pandascolumns'
+    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    pandasdatasource_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pandasdatasources.id'))
+    datasource = relationship(
+        'PandasDatasource',
+        backref=backref('columns', cascade='all, delete-orphan'),
+        foreign_keys=[pandasdatasource_id])
+    @property
+    def is_num(self):
+        return self.type and is_numeric_dtype(self.type)
+    @property
+    def is_time(self):
+        return self.type and is_datetime64_any_dtype(self.type)
+    @property
+    def is_dttm(self):
+        return self.is_time
+    @property
+    def is_string(self):
+        return self.type and is_string_dtype(self.type)
+    num_types = (
+        'DOUBLE', 'FLOAT', 'INT', 'BIGINT',
+        'LONG', 'REAL', 'NUMERIC', 'DECIMAL'
+    )
+    date_types = ('DATE', 'TIME', 'DATETIME')
+    str_types = ('VARCHAR', 'STRING', 'CHAR')
+    @property
+    def expression(self):
+        return ''
+    @property
+    def data(self):
+        attrs = (
+            'column_name', 'verbose_name', 'description', 'expression',
+            'filterable', 'groupby')
+        return {s: getattr(self, s) for s in attrs}
+class PandasMetric(Model, BaseMetric):
+    """
+    ORM object for Pandas metrics.
+    Each Pandas Datasource can have multiple metrics
+    """
+    __tablename__ = 'pandasmetrics'
+    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
+    pandasdatasource_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('pandasdatasources.id'))
+    datasource = relationship(
+        'PandasDatasource',
+        backref=backref('metrics', cascade='all, delete-orphan'),
+        foreign_keys=[pandasdatasource_id])
+    source = Column(Text)
+    expression = Column(Text)
+    @property
+    def perm(self):
+        if self.datasource:
+            return ('{parent_name}.[{obj.metric_name}]'
+                    '(id:{obj.id})').format(
+                obj=self,
+                parent_name=self.datasource.full_name)
+        return None
+class PandasDatasource(Model, BaseDatasource):
+    """A datasource based on a Pandas DataFrame"""
+    FORMATS = [
+        ('csv', 'CSV'),
+        ('html', 'HTML')
+    ]
+    # See 
http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/timeseries.html#offset-aliases # 
+    GRAINS = OrderedDict([
+        ('5 seconds', '5S'),
+        ('30 seconds', '30S'),
+        ('1 minute', 'T'),
+        ('5 minutes', '5T'),
+        ('1 hour', 'H'),
+        ('6 hour', '6H'),
+        ('day', 'D'),
+        ('one day', 'D'),
+        ('1 day', 'D'),
+        ('7 days', '7D'),
+        ('week', 'W-MON'),
+        ('week_starting_sunday', 'W-SUN'),
+        ('week_ending_saturday', 'W-SUN'),
+        ('month', 'M'),
+        ('quarter', 'Q'),
+        ('year', 'A'),
+    ])
+    __tablename__ = 'pandasdatasources'
+    type = 'pandas'
+    baselink = 'pandasdatasourcemodelview'  # url portion pointing to 
ModelView endpoint
+    column_class = PandasColumn
+    metric_class = PandasMetric
+    name = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
+    source_url = Column(String(1000), nullable=False)
+    format = Column(String(20), nullable=False)
+    additional_parameters = Column(JSONType)
+    user_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('ab_user.id'))
+    owner = relationship(
+        sm.user_model,
+        backref='pandasdatasources',
+        foreign_keys=[user_id])
+    fetch_values_predicate = Column(String(1000))
+    main_dttm_col = Column(String(250))
+    # Used to do code highlighting when displaying the query in the UI
+    query_language = None
+    # A Pandas Dataframe containing the data retrieved from the source url
+    df = None
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.name
+    @property
+    def datasource_name(self):
+        return self.name
+    @property
+    def full_name(self):
+        return self.name
+    @property
+    def database(self):
+        uri = urlparse(self.source_url)
+        return PandasDatabase(database_name=uri.netloc,
+                              cache_timeout=None)
+    @property
+    def connection(self):
+        return self.source_url
+    @property
+    def schema(self):
+        uri = urlparse(self.source_url)
+        return uri.path
+    @property
+    def schema_perm(self):
+        """Returns endpoint permission if present, host one otherwise."""
+        return utils.get_schema_perm(self.database, self.schema)
+    @property
+    def description_markeddown(self):
+        return utils.markdown(self.description)
+    @property
+    def link(self):
+        name = escape(self.name)
+        return Markup(
+            '<a href="{self.explore_url}">{name}</a>'.format(**locals()))
+    def get_perm(self):
+        return (
+            "pandas.{obj.name}"
+            "(id:{obj.id})").format(obj=self)
+    @property
+    def dttm_cols(self):
+        l = [c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.is_dttm]
+        if self.main_dttm_col and self.main_dttm_col not in l:
+            l.append(self.main_dttm_col)
+        return l
+    @property
+    def num_cols(self):
+        return [c.column_name for c in self.columns if c.is_num]
+    @property
+    def any_dttm_col(self):
+        cols = self.dttm_cols
+        if cols:
+            return cols[0]
+    @property
+    def html(self):
+        t = ((c.column_name, c.type) for c in self.columns)
+        df = pd.DataFrame(t)
+        df.columns = ['field', 'type']
+        return df.to_html(
+            index=False,
+            classes=(
+                "dataframe table table-striped table-bordered "
+                "table-condensed"))
+    @property
+    def data(self):
+        d = super(PandasDatasource, self).data
+        d['granularity_sqla'] = utils.choicify(self.dttm_cols)
+        d['time_grain_sqla'] = [(g, g) for g in self.GRAINS.keys()]
+        logging.info(d)
+        print(d)
+        return d
+    @property
+    def pandas_read_method(self):
+        return getattr(pd, 'read_{obj.format}'.format(obj=self))
+    @property
+    def pandas_read_parameters(self):
+        return self.additional_parameters or {}
+    def get_empty_dataframe(self):
+        """Create an empty dataframe with the correct columns and dtypes"""
+        columns = []
+        for col in self.columns:
+            type = ('datetime64[ns]'
+                    if is_datetime64_any_dtype(col.type)
+                    else col.type)
+            columns.append((col.column_name, type))
+        return pd.DataFrame({k: pd.Series(dtype=t) for k, t in columns})
+    def get_dataframe(self):
+        if self.df is None:
+            self.df = self.pandas_read_method(self.source_url,
+                                              **self.pandas_read_parameters)
+            # read_html returns a list of DataFrames
+            if (isinstance(self.df, list) and
+                    isinstance(self.df[0], pd.DataFrame)):
+                self.df = self.df[0]
+        for col in self.columns:
+            name = col.column_name
+            type = col.type
+            if type != self.df[name].dtype.name:
+                try:
+                    self.df[name] = self.df[name].values.astype(type)
+                except ValueError as e:
+                    message = ('Failed to convert column {name} '
+                               'from {old_type} to {new_type}').format(
+                        name=name,
+                        old_type=self.df[name].dtype.name,
+                        new_type=type)
+                    e.args = (message,) + e.args
+                    raise
+        return self.df
+    def get_filter_query(self, filter):
+        """
+        Build a query string to filter a dataframe.
+        Filter is a list of dicts of op, col and value.
+        Returns a string that can be passed to DataFrame.query() to
+        restrict the DataFrame to only the matching rows.
+        """
+        cols = {col.column_name: col for col in self.columns}
+        query = ''
+        for flt in filter:
+            if not all([flt.get(s) for s in ['col', 'op', 'val']]):
+                continue
+            col = flt['col']
+            col_obj = cols.get(col)
+            op = flt['op']
+            eq = flt['val']
+            if query:
+                query += ' and '
+            if op == 'LIKE':
+                query += "{col}.str.match('{eq}')".format(col=col, eq=eq)
+            else:
+                # Rely on Pandas partial string indexing for datetime fields,
+                # see 
  # NOQA
+                try:
+                    if ((col_obj.is_string or col_obj.is_dttm)
+                            and not isinstance(eq, list)):
+                        eq = "'{}'".format(eq)
+                except AttributeError:
+                    # col_obj is None, probably because the col is a metric,
+                    # in which case it is numeric anyway
+                    pass
+                query += "({col} {op} {eq})".format(col=col, op=op, eq=eq)
+        return query
+    def process_dataframe(
+            self,
+            df,
+            groupby, metrics,
+            granularity,
+            from_dttm, to_dttm,
+            filter=None,  # noqa
+            is_timeseries=True,
+            timeseries_limit=15,
+            timeseries_limit_metric=None,
+            row_limit=None,
+            inner_from_dttm=None,
+            inner_to_dttm=None,
+            orderby=None,
+            extras=None,
+            columns=None,
+            form_data=None):
+        """Querying any dataframe table from this common interface"""
+        if orderby:
+            orderby, ascending = map(list, zip(*orderby))
+        else:
+            orderby = []
+            ascending = []
+        filter = filter or []
+        query_str = 'df'
+        # Build a dict of the metrics to include, including those that
+        # are required for post-aggregation filtering
+        filtered_metrics = [flt['col']
+                            for flt in extras.get('having_druid', [])
+                            if flt['col'] not in metrics]
+        metrics_dict = {m.metric_name: m for m in self.metrics}
+        metrics_exprs = OrderedDict()
+        for m in metrics + filtered_metrics:
+            try:
+                metric = metrics_dict[m]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise Exception(_("Metric '{}' is not valid".format(m)))
+            metrics_exprs[m] = metric
+        # Standard tests (copied from SqlaTable)
+        if not granularity and is_timeseries:
+            raise Exception(_(
+                "Datetime column not provided as part table configuration "
+                "and is required by this type of chart"))
+        # Filter the DataFrame by the time column, and resample if necessary
+        timestamp_cols = []
+        timestamp_exprs = []
+        if granularity and granularity != 'all':
+            if from_dttm:
+                filter.append({'col': granularity,
+                               'op': '>=',
+                               'val': from_dttm})
+            if to_dttm:
+                filter.append({'col': granularity,
+                               'op': '<=',
+                               'val': to_dttm})
+            if is_timeseries:
+                time_grain = self.GRAINS[extras.get('time_grain_sqla')]
+                timestamp_cols = ['__timestamp']
+                timestamp_exprs = [pd.Grouper(key=granularity,
+                                              freq=time_grain)]
+                if timeseries_limit_metric and timeseries_limit:
+                    metric = metrics_dict[timeseries_limit_metric]
+                    assert isinstance(metric.source, basestring)
+                    aggregates = {metric.source: metric.expression}
+                    df = (df[df.set_index(groupby).index.isin(
+                              df.groupby(groupby)
+                                .aggregate(aggregates)
+                                .sort_values(metric.source, ascending=False)
+                                .iloc[:timeseries_limit].index)])
+                    query_str += ('[df.set_index({groupby}).index.isin('
+                                  'df.groupby({groupby})'
+                                  '.aggregate({aggregates})'
+                                  ".sort_values('{metric.source}', 
+                                  '.iloc[:{timeseries_limit}].index)]').format(
+                        groupby=groupby,
+                        timeseries_limit_metric=timeseries_limit_metric,
+                        timeseries_limit=timeseries_limit,
+                        aggregates=aggregates,
+                        metric=metric)
+        # Additional filtering of rows prior to aggregation
+        if filter:
+            filter_str = self.get_filter_query(filter)
+            df = df.query(filter_str)
+            query_str += '.query("{filter_str}")'.format(filter_str=filter_str)
+        # We have one of:
+        # - columns only: return a simple table of results with no aggregation
+        # - metrics only: return a single row with one column per metric
+        #                 aggregated for the whole dataframe
+        # - groupby and metrics: return a table of distinct groupby columns
+        #                 and aggregations
+        # - groupby only: return a table of distinct rows
+        if columns:
+            # A simple table of results with no aggregation or grouping
+            if orderby:
+                df = df.sort_values(orderby, ascending=ascending)
+                query_str += ('.sort_values({orderby}, '
+                              'ascending={ascending})').format(
+                    orderby=orderby,
+                    ascending=ascending)
+            df = df[columns]
+            query_str += '[{columns}]'.format(columns=columns)
+        elif metrics_exprs:
+            # Aggregate the dataframe
+            # Single-column aggregates can be calculated using aggregate,
+            # multi-column ones need to use apply.
+            # aggregates is a dict keyed by a column name, or a tuple
+            # of column names, where the value is a list of expressions
+            # that can be used by DataFrame.aggregate() on those columns
+            aggregates = OrderedDict()
+            for metric in metrics_exprs.values():
+                assert isinstance(metric.source, basestring)
+                if metric.source in aggregates:
+                    aggregates[metric.source].append(metric.expression)
+                else:
+                    aggregates[metric.source] = [metric.expression]
+            if groupby or timestamp_exprs:
+                df = (df.groupby(groupby + timestamp_exprs)
+                        .aggregate(aggregates)
+                        .reset_index())
+                query_str += ('.groupby({groupby})'
+                              '.aggregate({aggregates})'
+                              '.reset_index()').format(
+                    groupby=groupby,
+                    aggregates=aggregates)
+            else:
+                df = df.aggregate(aggregates)
+                query_str += '.aggregate({aggregates})'.format(
+                    aggregates=aggregates)
+                # Note that Superset expects a DataFrame with single Row and
+                # the metrics as columns, rather than with the metrics
+                # as the index
+                df = df.T.reset_index(drop=True)
+                query_str += '.T.reset_index(drop=True)'
+            df.columns = groupby + timestamp_cols + metrics + filtered_metrics
+            # Filtering of rows post-aggregation based on metrics
+            if extras.get('having_druid'):
+                filter_str = self.get_filter_query(extras.get('having_druid'))
+                df = df.query(filter_str)
+                query_str += '.query("{filter_str}")'.format(
+                    filter_str=filter_str)
+            # Order by the first metric descending by default,
+            # or within the existing orderby, if we have a groupby
+            if groupby:
+                orderby.append((metrics + filtered_metrics)[0])
+                ascending.append(False)
+            # Use the groupby and __timestamp by as a tie breaker
+            orderby = orderby + groupby + timestamp_cols
+            ascending = ascending + ([True] * len(groupby + timestamp_cols))
+            # Sort the values
+            if orderby:
+                df = df.sort_values(orderby, ascending=ascending)
+                query_str += ('.sort_values({orderby}, '
+                              'ascending={ascending})').format(
+                    orderby=orderby,
+                    ascending=ascending)
+            # Remove metrics only added for post-aggregation filtering
+            df = df.drop(filtered_metrics, axis=1)
+            query_str += '.drop({filtered_metrics}, axis=1)'.format(
+                filtered_metrics=filtered_metrics)
+        elif groupby:
+            # Group by without any metrics is equivalent to SELECT DISTINCT,
+            # order by the size descending by default, or within the
+            # existing orderby
+            orderby.append(0)
+            ascending.append(False)
+            # Use the group by as a tie breaker
+            orderby = orderby + groupby
+            ascending = ascending + ([True] * len(groupby))
+            df = (df.groupby(groupby)
+                    .size()
+                    .reset_index()
+                    .sort_values(orderby, ascending=ascending)
+                    .drop(0, axis=1))
+            query_str += ('.groupby({groupby}).size().reset_index()'
+                          '.sort_values({orderby}, ascending={ascending})'
+                          '.drop(0, axis=1)').format(
+                groupby=groupby,
+                orderby=orderby,
+                ascending=ascending)
+        if row_limit:
+            df = df.iloc[:row_limit]
+            query_str += '.iloc[:{row_limit}]'.format(row_limit=row_limit)
+        # Coerce datetimes to str so that Pandas can set the correct precision
+        for col in df.columns:
+            if is_datetime64_any_dtype(df[col].dtype):
+                df[col] = df[col].astype(str)
+        return df, query_str
+    def get_query_str(self, query_obj):
+        """Returns a query as a string
+        This is used to be displayed to the user so that she/he can
+        understand what is taking place behind the scene"""
+        import json
+        from functools import singledispatch
+        @singledispatch
+        def to_serializable(val):
+            """Used by default."""
+            return str(val)
+        @to_serializable.register(datetime)
+        def ts_datetime(val):
+            """Used if *val* is an instance of datetime."""
+            return val.isoformat() + "Z"
+        logging.info(json.dumps(query_obj, indent=4, default=to_serializable))
+        df = self.get_empty_dataframe()
+        df, query_str = self.process_dataframe(df, **query_obj)
+        return query_str
+    def query(self, query_obj):
+        """Executes the query and returns a dataframe
+        query_obj is a dictionary representing Superset's query interface.
+        Should return a ``superset.models.helpers.QueryResult``
+        """
+        import json
+        from functools import singledispatch
+        @singledispatch
+        def to_serializable(val):
+            """Used by default."""
+            return str(val)
+        @to_serializable.register(datetime)
+        def ts_datetime(val):
+            """Used if *val* is an instance of datetime."""
+            return val.isoformat() + "Z"
+        logging.info(json.dumps(query_obj, indent=4, default=to_serializable))
+        print(json.dumps(query_obj, indent=4, default=to_serializable))
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