
Indeed there was a configuration issue, which I've now corrected.  Here is
a breakdown for future readers:

Retrieving the workflow via:  curl -X GET
-H "accept: */*" -H "X-Syncope-Domain: Master" -H "Authorization: Basic ..."

revealed the 'userTask' below which has no 'activiti:formKey' attribute.

    <userTask id="active" name="Active">


        <activiti:formProperty id="username" name="Username" type="string"
expression="${user.username}" writable="false"/>

        <activiti:formProperty id="approve" name="Approve?" type="boolean"
variable="approve" required="true"/>

        <activiti:formProperty id="rejectReason" name="Reason for
rejecting" type="string" variable="rejectReason"/>



To resolve the issue,  I modified the workflow (restoring the userTask to
the content-less default <userTask id="active" name="Active/> using:

curl -X PUT "http://host:port/syncope/rest/workflows/USER/userWorkflow"; -H
"accept: */*" -H "X-Syncope-Domain: Master" -H "Authorization: Basic ..."
-H "Content-Type: application/xml" -d "<?xml...

Then I requested:   curl -X GET
-H "accept: application/json" -H "X-Syncope-Domain: Master" -H
"Authorization: Basic ..."

which contained the null key, but also the affected new user key.



    "username": ".....",

    "taskId": "7554",

    "key": null,

    "createTime": "2018-04-17T14:23:06.080+0000",

    "dueDate": null,

    "owner": null,

    "userTO": {

      "@class": "org.apache.syncope.common.lib.to.UserTO",

      "key": "db1ab1a4-0e2f-422e-9ab1-a40e2fb22e4a",

      "type": "USER",

I then deleted the user with:    curl -X DELETE "http://host:port/syncope/
rest/users/db1ab1a4-0e2f-422e-9ab1-a40e2fb22e4a" -H "accept:
application/json" -H "Prefer: return-content" -H "X-Syncope-Domain: Master"
-H "Authorization: Basic ..."

and was able to login to the console to try again.

Thanks as always for all your guidance.


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