Currently, non-range matrix indexing, such as `X[1,2]`, returns a 1x1 matrix in 
SystemML rather than a single scalar value.  This is inconsistent with 
mathematical semantics, and with array indexing semantics of any major 
language, thus leading to confusion for users.

I would like to propose that non-range indexing at the language level, such as 
`X[1,2]`, should return a single scalar value, and range indexing of any kind 
at the language level, including the trivial example `X[1:1,2:2]`, should 
return a matrix.  This would lead to clear semantics that are consistent with 
mathematics and language array indexing, thus preventing user confusion.  
Additionally, these are the semantics that the NumPy project uses.

Interested to hear thoughts from the rest of the community!



Mike Dusenberry

Sent from my iPhone.

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