see comments Alok:

From: Niketan Pansare <>
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2017 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] R4ML Integration with SystemML
>>> As pointed out earlier, R4ML is not just R interface so it is based on the 
>>> earlier product of IBM on R and it has many product feature.
Also note that the pure ML Ctx and the cmd options for dml is not ideally allow 
all the things user want to do in his ML code.
The solution could be to create wrapper to make user happy  . but we have 
created those wrapper but those are in R and from user point for view it feels 
that are just writing the R code
If the ultimate goal is to have just MLCtx based R interface than I think it 
undermines and R4ML value proposition.
(We can definitely just expose MLCtx api. However calling Logistic Regression 
example just for the purpose of MLCtx won't be best) R4ML.mlogit has better apis

May be we are not on same page. 
(a) MLContext is not the only API, but an important one that needs to be 
(b) Like R4ML, our mllearn wrappers aim to simplify the usage for the Python 
users. These wrappers were designed so that if someone wrote a python script 
that uses scikit-learn or mllib. Then, a simple change from `from sklearn 
import LogisticRegression`  to `from systemml.mllearn import 
LogisticRegression` should in principle allow SystemML to be incorporated in 
their workflow. 

a) Does it mean you are proposing spliting R4ML into two R-wrapper and R4ML? I 
think that could be idea one can potentially look into it. I second it. That 
way one can have pure R wrapper and like mllearn kind of R4ML 

b) Currently we can sure expose the MLContext from R as public api but to use 
all the code involves many convulations to make life easier for R user. For 
example see code func *execute* *output* *getDF* in

>> 1) I think it will require a lot of work for scala and python api to be in 
>> sync with r4ml api.
Also I feel that if the goal is too have just python, scala than we have to do 
the coding at R4ML. but I think goals was to merge this project.

I guess the goal is to make SystemML better and more user-friendly. To do that, 
we have to try our best to keep our APIs across language consistent. I 
understand it might require lot of work for Scala and Python APIs to be in sync 
with R4ML API,  but it has to be done. 

Since R4ML was designed in isolation with the SystemML project, I am 
recommending to do a gradual merge of (1) the additional features and (2) 
features that diverge from SystemML APIs so as to be R friendly; thus, allowing 
the SystemML community  to comment on them before merging. This also allows the 
R4ML features that match one-to-one with the Python and Scala APIs to be merged 
quickly and not be in the PR until we agree to every (1) and (2) features :)

Alok: See the previous comments I like we should explore the idea of splitting 
the way you splitted mllearn. Still more discussion needed as I see it.  At 
this stage those changes will require complete change at R4ML to have those.

Another way to think would be that R4ML can be independent package, which 
eventually be pushed to CRAN.
note that in the spark dev repo. Spark core is there and SparkR is there as 
seperate dir and python is there as seperate dir

Initially, SparkScala, SparkR and pyspark tried to be in sync but I think now 
many features are been added which is not causing sync between sparkR and 
pyspark and similar between SparkScala and SpakR and  PySpark.

So I was thinking is it absolutely must have to sync between api? Since all 
these will cater to different user.

These are ideas.


Niketan Pansare
IBM Almaden Research Center
E-mail: npansar At 

Niketan Pansare - IBM
Niketan Pansare is a Senior Software Engineer at IBM Research Almaden, where he 
works on advanced information management systems that include analytics, 
distributed ...

cid:1__=8FBB0B30DFE367208f9e8a93df938690918c8FB@ alok  singh ---09/22/2017 
12:30:51 PM---Here are Niketan's question Thanks for taking time to answer our 
questions and also for considering

From: alok singh <>
To: "" <>, "" 
Date: 09/22/2017 12:30 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] R4ML Integration with SystemML

Here are Niketan's question

Thanks for taking time to answer our questions and also for considering to help 
SystemML community. I have couple more questions:

In case there is inconsistency, do you (as R4ML developers) feel comfortable 
changing R4ML interface to be compatible with our other APIs ? May be you can 
go over the below two links and imagine adding a corresponding R tab:
- MLContext Programming guide:<
Spark MLContext Programming Guide. Overview; Spark Shell Example. Start Spark 
Shell with SystemML; Create MLContext; Hello World; LeNet on MNIST Example; 
DataFrame ...

- Algorithm wrappers:

ALOK: Hi Niketan

As pointed out earlier, R4ML is not just R interface
so it is based on the earlier product of IBM on R and it has many product 

Also note that the pure ML Ctx and the cmd options for dml is not ideally allow 
all the things user want to do in his ML code.
The solution could be to create wrapper to make user happy  . but we have 
created those wrapper but those are in R and from user point for view it feels 
that are just writing the R code

see some of the examples at

NOTE: that R4ML uses combination of SparkR and DML and R to make user 
experience best.

If the ultimate goal is to have just MLCtx based R interface than I think it 
undermines and R4ML value proposition.
(We can definitely just expose MLCtx api. However calling Logistic Regression 
example just for the purpose of MLCtx won't be best) R4ML.mlogit has better apis

2. Classification - GitHub 
SystemML Algorithms Reference 2. Classification 2.1. Multinomial Logistic 
Regression Description. The MultiLogReg.dml script performs both binomial and 
multinomial ...

Niketan: 2. Other than providing R interface to SystemML as the above APIs, 
what additional features/code R4ML plans to add in SystemML ? Just like we want 
the R API to be functionally complete with our Python and Scala API, we want 
Python and Scala APIs to  be functionally complete with the R API. So a 
discussion on supporting the additional features in Python and Scala APIs is 
required :)

ALOK: as talked in point 1) I think it will require a lot of work for scala and 
python api to be in sync with r4ml api.
Also I feel that if the goal is too have just python, scala than we have to do 
the coding at R4ML.

but I think goals was to merge this project.

I think @Fred if he can comment also that would be nice


From: alok singh <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 7:32 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] R4ML Integration with SystemML

 We (me and Brendan) has been focusing on other things  like journeys apart 
from new MLCtx changes. R4ML commits and PR you can also review,
I think code will definitely be maintained.


From: Deron Eriksson <>
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2017 6:03 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] R4ML Integration with SystemML
> * Looking over the github repo, apparently R4ML is not under active
> development/maintenance anymore (last commit Jul 20). So who would be
> willing to maintain and extend it?
> ALOK: We will doing development into it . there are open PR already.
No commits since Jul 20 does raise warning flags, as Matthias pointed out.
For some perspective, SystemML has 1013 commits in the last year (~2.78 per
day). No R4ML commits in 2 months is concerning for obvious reasons. It
implies no real work has been done on the project for months.

> * Providing wrappers for our algorithm scripts would be just a start
> because it hides our core value proposition of custom large-scale ML.
> Hence, we would also need an MLContext equivalent that allows to execute
> arbitrary DML scripts or R functions. Is there already a tentative design
> of such an API and if not, who would like to take it over?
> ALOK: Currently no out of box MLCtx.
I believe this also raises some warning flags. Looking over the code at
 ,  it looks

r4ml - Scalable R for Machine Learning

like the code in the R4ML master branch utilizes an old API that does not
currently exist in SystemML. As Matthias pointed out, a key value
proposition of SystemML is customizable machine learning, which would
require an API that currently exists in the project.

That said, I believe an R API interface to SystemML is extremely valuable
and I think the whole SystemML community would benefit from the R API, and
I hope you will pursue the issue further. It looks like it has been in
development since June 

[WIP][I-50][R4ML-123] new MLContext API by aloknsingh · Pull Request #50 · 
Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 By making a contribution to this project, 
I certify that: (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and 
I have the right to subm...



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