Hi Govinda,

Please see the below responses:

   1.   As a example keras do support theano, tensorflow backends, in this
      script generator are we going to use theano/tensorflow backends as
      well? if it does the script conversion should happen like this(I
      guess)..We donot use any backend, we only map Keras API to DML

   2.   How is the mapping functionality happen between framework script and
      DML script?
   Please refer to design documentation:

   3.   And what could be the limitation, such as are we define all the DML
      functionality in terms of keras/caffe?
   Adding custom python layers


Niketan Pansare
IBM Almaden Research Center
E-mail: npansar At us.ibm.com

From:   Govinda Malavipathirana <mp.govi...@gmail.com>
To:     Matthias Boehm <mboe...@gmail.com>, dev@systemml.apache.org
Date:   03/15/2018 12:38 PM
Subject:        [SYSTEMML-2089] Extended Caffe2DML and Keras2DML script

I'm currently working on the GSoC proposal and looking for contribute on
Caffe2DML, Keras2DML script generators. I would like to know the sub task
in details. As far as I can understand when user writes a Caffe, Keras
script it should be convert to the DML script. In such case I have a couple
of questions,
   1.   As a example keras do support theano, tensorflow backends, in this
      script generator are we going to use theano/tensorflow backends as
      well? if it does the script conversion should happen like this(I

   2.   How is the mapping functionality happen between framework script and
      DML script?
   3.   And what could be the limitation, such as are we define all the DML
      functionality in terms of keras/caffe?
 Also I'm hoping to contribute on [SYSTEMML-2085] Basic runtime primitives
as well hope to get the details of it as well.
Best regards,


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