Still there some cloud around the task. I read the documentation about
Caffe2DML, Keras2DML. Could I know current scope, expected
tasks(implementations), need an explanation. Hope we gonna implemnet
ResNet50 with Caffe2DML like missing parts of the existing script

On Fri, Mar 16, 2018 at 4:42 AM Niketan Pansare <npan...@us.ibm.com> wrote:

> Hi Govinda,
> Please see the below responses:
>    1. As a example keras do support theano, tensorflow backends, in this
>    script generator are we going to use theano/tensorflow backends as well? if
>    it does the script conversion should happen like this(I guess)..We donot
>    use any backend, we only map Keras API to DML script.
>    2. How is the mapping functionality happen between framework script
>    and DML script?
>    Please refer to design documentation:
> https://github.com/apache/systemml/blob/master/src/main/scala/org/apache/sysml/api/dl/Caffe2DML.scala#L56
>    3. And what could be the limitation, such as are we define all the DML
>    functionality in terms of keras/caffe?
>    Adding custom python layers
> Thanks,
> Niketan Pansare
> IBM Almaden Research Center
> E-mail: npansar At us.ibm.com
> http://researcher.watson.ibm.com/researcher/view.php?person=us-npansar
> [image: Inactive hide details for Govinda Malavipathirana ---03/15/2018
> 12:38:42 PM---Hi' I'm currently working on the GSoC proposal an]Govinda
> Malavipathirana ---03/15/2018 12:38:42 PM---Hi' I'm currently working on
> the GSoC proposal and looking for contribute on
> From: Govinda Malavipathirana <mp.govi...@gmail.com>
> To: Matthias Boehm <mboe...@gmail.com>, dev@systemml.apache.org
> Date: 03/15/2018 12:38 PM
> Subject: [SYSTEMML-2089] Extended Caffe2DML and Keras2DML script
> generators.
> ------------------------------
> Hi'
> I'm currently working on the GSoC proposal and looking for contribute on
> Caffe2DML, Keras2DML script generators. I would like to know the sub task
> in details. As far as I can understand when user writes a Caffe, Keras
> script it should be convert to the DML script. In such case I have a couple
> of questions,
>    1. As a example keras do support theano, tensorflow backends, in this
>    script generator are we going to use theano/tensorflow backends as well? if
>    it does the script conversion should happen like this(I guess)...
>    ​
>    2. How is the mapping functionality happen between framework script
>    and DML script?
>    3. And what could be the limitation, such as are we define all the DML
>    functionality in terms of keras/caffe?
>  Also I'm hoping to contribute on [SYSTEMML-2085] Basic runtime primitives
> as well hope to get the details of it as well.
> Best regards,
> Govinda.
> ​

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