Hi William,

Am 17.01.2018 um 07:49 schrieb William Lieurance:
> I've been looking into the recent test failures on the extensions
builds [1] and I think I've got a pretty good handle on it.   Check out
for what I think is happening there.  There are two fixes described in
that commit

thanks for your help and great contribution - I've created
for the failures and verified that your patches work fine as I had one
of those "older Ubuntu LTS" environment that showed the problem.

Strangely only some ASF-Jenkins nodes had the problems resulting in
flaky builds.

Please adapt your merge request accordingly and we will be able to merge
it into the extensions module.

If you do not have a signed contributor agreement ASF is pleased to
receive one - more info:


Thanks again for your help -
are there any other issues you have with Tamaya?

We are always looking for new contributors ;-)


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