On Thu, 20 Dec 2012 14:36:15 -0200, Lance Java <lance.j...@googlemail.com> wrote:

Never use ${...} in attributes.

More precisely, never use ${} in attributes that are component parameters. For example, a <a t:type="PageLink" class="${pageLinkCssClass}" context="transactionQuote.pickupQuoteID">..</a> is perfectly fine, because 'class' is not a parameter. On the other hand, for 'context', which is a parameter, using ${} is 100% of the times wrong or useless.

Use  t:value="transactionQuote.pickupQuoteID" instead and tapestry will
create two way property binding which it can then get() and set().

Yep! :)

Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo

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