Update: I could solve UnsupportedCertVersion error, I had to create a new cert 
for pccs but with version 3, since it was on version 1, that solved the error. 
Now I get **UnknownIssuer** error, which I guess it's because the certificate 
is a self signed one. I don't know if teaclave has some option to allow that 
kind of certs. 

[ERROR teaclave_sgx_tool_enclave] Failed to attest: invalid peer certificate: 
[2023-12-13T12:37:33Z DEBUG teaclave_binder::ipc::app] ecall_ipc_entry_point 
OK. App Received Buf: [123, 34, 69, 114, 114, 34, 58, 34, 83, 101, 114, 118, 
105, 99, 101, 69, 114, 114, 111, 114, 34, 125]
[2023-12-13T12:37:33Z DEBUG teaclave_binder::binder] Dropping TeeBinder, start 
[2023-12-13T12:37:33Z DEBUG teaclave_binder::ipc::app] ecall_ipc_app_to_tee: 
1002, 4 bytes
[TRACE teaclave_sgx_tool_enclave] tee receive cmd: 1002, input_buf = [110, 117, 
108, 108]
[DEBUG teaclave_sgx_tool_enclave] handle_invoke
[DEBUG teaclave_service_enclave_utils] Enclave finalizing
[DEBUG teaclave_service_enclave_utils] g_peak_heap_used: 188416
[DEBUG teaclave_service_enclave_utils] g_peak_rsrv_mem_committed: 0
[2023-12-13T12:37:33Z DEBUG teaclave_binder::ipc::app] ecall_ipc_entry_point 
OK. App Received Buf: [123, 34, 79, 107, 34, 58, 110, 117, 108, 108, 125]
Error: ServiceError

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