So doing some testing I used the keys located at 
`/incubator-teaclave/config/keys` to try to bypass the error. I used 
`dcap_server_cert.pem` and `dcap_server_key.pem` as my pccs certificate and 
private key (since the other way around didn't work as it outputs the same 
error). I was able to solve the issue that way by now, after that, I 
encountered the following after `sudo -E ./teaclave_sgx_tool attestation --url 
https://localhost:8082 --algorithm sgx_ecdsa`:

[TRACE teaclave_attestation::service] HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found                    
X-Powered-By: Express                                                           
Request-ID: 0e4fa148a288438da52437c0b7db823c                                    
Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'none'                                     
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff                                                 
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8                                          
Content-Length: 169                                                             
Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2024 16:06:15 GMT                                             
Connection: close                                                               
<!DOCTYPE html>                                                                 
<html lang="en">                                                                
<meta charset="utf-8">                                                          
<pre>Cannot POST /sgx/dev/attestation/v4/report</pre>                           
teaclave_attestation::service] http_response.parse                              
[DEBUG teaclave_attestation::service] Attestation service responds an unknown 
[ERROR teaclave_sgx_tool_enclave] Failed to attest: Attestation service 
responds an unknown error.

Also pccs service now shows some log info:

ene 04 16:06:15 teaclave-vm node[98964]: 2024-01-04 16:06:15.686 [info]: Client 
Request-ID : 0e4fa148a288438da52437c0b7db823c
ene 04 16:06:15 teaclave-vm node[98964]: 2024-01-04 16:06:15.694 [info]: - - [04/Jan/2024:16:06:15 +0000] "POST /sgx/dev/attestation/v4/report 
HTTP/1.1" 404 169 "-" "-"

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