> Yes I am aware of all of that, so I am assuming it is a configuration issue 
> from my teaclave? Since it is the one who is making those requests. Maybe 
> there is some config I should change bu I couldn't find propper DCAP 
> deployment documentation.
> Also:
> ```
> admin-ubuntu@teaclave-vm:/opt/intel/SGXDataCenterAttestationPrimitives/SampleCode/QuoteGenerationSample$
>  ./app                                                                        
> Step1: Call sgx_qe_get_target_info:succeed!                                   
> Step2: Call create_app_report:succeed!                                        
> Step3: Call sgx_qe_get_quote_size:succeed!                                    
> Step4: Call sgx_qe_get_quote:succeed!cert_key_type = 0x5
> ```

This is the best official doc I can find from Intel. For the teaclave, I am 
afraid that you might need to trace down the source code and find out why. If 
there is a bug, you may submit a PR to fix it.

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