For running a single test from a suite I had to do the following:

  export GREMLIN_TESTS=''

  mvn test -Dtest=TinkerGraphProcessComputerTest -DfailIfNoTests=false --projects tinkergraph-gremlin,gremlin-test -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true

The dev docs recommend the following (which does not result in the right single test, not even for the literal copy of the exampe):


   Specify specific tests in a TinkerPop Suite to run with the
   |GREMLIN_TESTS| environment variable, along with the Maven project
   list argument, e.g.:


   mvn -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true --projects tinkergraph-gremlin test

How do you guys run single tests, do the dev docs need an update?

Cheers,    Marc

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