
Apache TinkerPop 3.4.0 has just been released and it is a massive brute of
a body of work which kicks off the line of development known as
"Avant-Gremlin Construction #3 for Theremin and Flowers" (awesome). I don't
think it's possible to summarize here all the important new features,
improvements, optimizations, etc that have gone into this release. It is
probably best to just start reading through the upgrade documentation to
get a feel for what has changed. I'll just offer a handful of the important
bits to look out for:

+ sparql-gremlin makes it possible to execute SPARQL queries over any
TinkerPop-enabled graph system
+ GraphBinary is the new network serialization format that is showing to
greatly outperform both Gryo and GraphSON (only available on the JVM at
this time)
+ shortestPath() step should lower the bar for users trying to perform that
sort of traversal
+ io() step pushes get Gremlin usage further away from the Graph/Structure
API and provides a more uniform Gremlin experience for different language
variants to load data files
+ Major reform of the Reference Documentation to make it more approachable
for new users, especially those who come from the non-JVM language space
(not sure the goal was completely achieved, but early feedback on the
changes were positive).
+ and much more....

The release artifacts can be found at this location:


The online docs can be found here:

http://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/3.4.0/reference/ (user docs)
http://tinkerpop.apache.org/docs/3.4.0/upgrade/#_tinkerpop_3_4_0_2 (upgrade
http://tinkerpop.apache.org/javadocs/3.4.0/core/ (core javadoc)
http://tinkerpop.apache.org/javadocs/3.4.0/full/ (full javadoc)

The release notes are available here:


The Central Maven repo has sync'd as well:


Python artifacts are available in pypi:


.NET artifacts are available in NuGet:


Javascript artifacts are available in npm:


Docker images for Gremlin Console and Gremlin Server can be found on Docker


[image: avant-gremlin.png]

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