Hash: SHA256


On 8/28/17 12:45 PM, Rainer Jung wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> Am 28.08.2017 um 16:10 schrieb Christopher Schultz:
>> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA256
>> All,
>> According to this post[1] over at SO, Tomcat 7 doesn't work with
>> Java 9 out of the box. This is because of the use of
>> -Djava.endorsed.dirs, which also appears in Tomcat 8. I suspect
>> that feature is used in prior versions of Tomcat startup scripts
>> as well.
>> Tomcat's "Which Version" page claims that Tomcat X works with
>> Java "Y and later", which is not strictly true at this point
>> because Tomcat's startup scripts will cause Java 9 to fail[2] due
>> to the removal of the endorsed overrides mechanism.
>> I'm wondering if we should modify the startup scripts to stop 
>> specifying -Djava.endorsed.dirs unless the environment variable 
>> actually contains a value. The current catalina.sh in Tomcat 8 
>> supplies this option unconditionally, therefore Java 9 will
>> fail.
>> The only place I can see where JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS is actually
>> *set* in catalina.sh is when the user is running cygwin, but that
>> is only to convert the path separator from \ to / for UNIX-style
>> paths.
> I think it gets set to "$CATALINA_HOME"/endorsed in setclasspath.sh
> if the user has not set JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS herself.

Ah, thanks for finding that. I wasn't thinking about setclasspath.sh.

> I would slightly modify your plan for compatibility, namely setting
> it only if the user has provided JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS *or* 
> "$CATALINA_HOME"/endorsed exists. AFAIK we do not ship any Tomcat 
> packaging that contains such a directory.

So if [ -z "${JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS}" -a -d "${CATALINA_HOME}/endorsed" ]
then we'll set JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS. And if the value is empty when
launching Java, we'll leave it out?

> This would slightly improve compatibility with existing
> installations if people would have created the default TC endorsed
> dir and used it.


>> Any objections?
>> Tomcat 8.5/9.0 have removed the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS environment 
>> variable from their scripts, so there should not be any
>> problems, there, of course.
> In all version there is a mention of the endorsed system property
> in java/org/apache/jasper/compiler/AntCompiler.java, but the code
> looks like it only uses it if it was already set. That should be
> OK.
> There's also a mention of it in
> webapps/docs/class-loader-howto.xml, tool-wrapper.sh and daemon.sh
> as well as the bat versions of the files and in res/tomcat.nsi (all
> for TC 7 and 8).

I'll have a look at these as well.

- -chris
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