Am 29.08.2017 um 14:09 schrieb Mark Thomas:
On 28/08/17 15:10, Christopher Schultz wrote:

According to this post[1] over at SO, Tomcat 7 doesn't work with Java
9 out of the box. This is because of the use of -Djava.endorsed.dirs,
which also appears in Tomcat 8. I suspect that feature is used in
prior versions of Tomcat startup scripts as well.

There may be other, less immediately obvious problems as well.

Tomcat's "Which Version" page claims that Tomcat X works with Java "Y
and later", which is not strictly true at this point because Tomcat's
startup scripts will cause Java 9 to fail[2] due to the removal of the
endorsed overrides mechanism.

I'm wondering if we should modify the startup scripts to stop
specifying -Djava.endorsed.dirs unless the environment variable
actually contains a value. The current in Tomcat 8
supplies this option unconditionally, therefore Java 9 will fail.

The only place I can see where JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS is actually *set* in is when the user is running cygwin, but that is only to
convert the path separator from \ to / for UNIX-style paths.

Any objections?

I drafted a patch available at

for TC 8.0.x. I can't really test on Windows.

Basic ingredients:

- For bat and sh do not try to remove the flag from the Java command, and instead use a non existing system property ignore.endorsed.dirs instead of java.endorsed.dirs if the user has not supplied a non-empty JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS and the endorsed sub directory of CATALINA_HOME does not exist. I also did not replace the full flag including the value with a variable to reduce chances of getting whitespace issues. It sounded easiest to simply make the property name variable.

- I refrained from Java version checking in the scripts. I think it is better to not set endorsed if the user has not demanded it and the directory wasn't created. And if the user demands it or the dir exists, set it and fail on Java 9 so that it is clear that people have to clean their installation up.

- Removed the endorsed flag from the commandline that the NSI installer registers for the service. This is mostly because I don't know enough about how to add logic to the NSI.

I have not directly committed it, because script file changes always carry some potential of breaking stuff and I want to wait until the next release is done.

It would be great if people could do some testing on their platforms.



Tomcat 8.5/9.0 have removed the JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS environment
variable from their scripts, so there should not be any problems,
there, of course.



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