Am 2019-02-11 um 15:51 schrieb Mark Thomas:

I'd like to propose that we make the move from svn to git for Tomcat
7.0.x, 8.5.x and 9.0.x as soon as the next 7.0.x release is complete.

The proposed approach is documented here:

I anticipate that the repositories will be read only for a couple of hours.

I also anticipate that the CI systems - particularly Gump - will take up
to a day to switch over and iron out any problems.

Any objections?

Hi Mark,

thanks for bearing with me. I was now finally able to look at the proposal. As far as I understand there wil be a single repo for the entire code base and everything will happen in branches.

Here are my comments:

1. You have set up branches: master, tomcat70, tomcat85, etc, but the document talks about "Branch names. master, tc8.5, tc8.0, tc7.0 etc" that seems to be inconsistent. 2. What will happens with Tomcat JDBC Pool? Will in remain in the Subversion repo or will it move to tomcat-jdbc-pool.git? The code does not change that offen that justifies a tandem release with Tomcat. 3. Why do you bother to import Tomcat 8.0? It is EOL, leave it in Subversion. Do you plan to perform any futher merge here? 4. Can we *please* have a readible tag name scheme?! I simply don't understand why people uppercase everything and replace dots with underscores. That's just ugly. Consistent tag names would be "{branch-name}-{version}" for the mono repo. E.g, tomcat85-8.5.40, or tomcat70-7.0.95. This would heavily reduce sed(1) magic for package maintainers and improve readability. 5. I assume that mod_jk, native and friends will remain in the Subversion repo? 6. I don't see in the wiki page an agreement on a good/wellknown Git commit message scheme: "BZ #123: <title>\n\n<optional message>"



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