Am 2019-10-18 um 16:12 schrieb Rémy Maucherat:
On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 4:20 PM Rémy Maucherat <> wrote:


This vote is to regulate the use of branches in the official Tomcat
repository beyond branches that are approved by the community such as 8.5.x
and 7.0.x. It is possible to do development in private branches directly in
the official Tomcat repository, as an alternative to using forks and pull

Should private branches be allowed in the official Tomcat git repository ?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

Here is a recap of the voting.

For the binding votes, we have:
Yes: michaelo, ebourg, kkolinko
No: remm, schultz, rjung, markt
Undecided: fschumacher

Thanks to the participants, including the ones with non binding votes who
were more in favor of branches.

So the community is rather split even if the result leans on the negative
side, and many liked the idea of feature branches. I think it's not enough
to completely forbid branch use beyond the main release branches.

Therefore, I propose resolving this as follows:
Branches use should follow a non automatic process:
- require a significant amount of work with multiple commits ahead to
justify their creation = always a "feature" branch, with the feature being
large enough (which is subjective, use common sense)

This should have been applied way way earlier. There are too many "fixup", "post fix" commits on master.

- get casual community ack before being created (the relevant BZ could get
the branch creation request, which should get should get at least one +1
from another committer and of course no vetoes)

Seriously? You want me to beg for a cheap branch on an issue I am currently working to solve a problem for the *entire* community?

I want to be productive, push intermediate changes and when I think fit, squash them and create the PR with the qualified reviewers assigned. That's what the Apache Maven team and others have been doing for years -- with great success.

This pretty much sounds to me that you don't trust your fellow committers doing things right.


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