сб, 26 сент. 2020 г. в 18:12, Christopher Schultz
> All,
> I'm writing about the above topic for ApacheCon @ Home and I wanted to
> get some confirmation about a few statements. The code is ... large and
> complex and it will be easier to just ask for help from those who Know.
> "
> Many files in CATALINA_BASE are optional
> * Override those in CATALINA_HOME
>  - conf/context.xml

I think you are wrong with the above one. By design it has to be in
- org.a.c.startup.HostConfig.addGlobalRedeployResources() assumes that
the file is in CATALINA_BASE.
- org.a.c.startup.CatalinaBaseConfigurationSource#getResources() loads
a file from catalinaBase.

> * Some files are required in CATALINA_BASE
>  - conf/server.xml
>  - conf/catalina.policy
>  - conf/web.xml

catalina.policy is not needed if you are not running with a
SecurotyManager enabled.

> Some Exceptions may be Surprising
>  - bin/setclasspath.sh
That is some helper script that should not be customized.

When people modify that file it usually means that they have not read
the documentation and do not know about setenv.sh.

>  - endorsed/ (special Java libraries)

The path to endorsed directory is settable in setenv.sh. The directory
can be anywhere. I have experience of running several Tomcat 7
instances where only some of them had an endorsed directory. And I am
sure that you know that it is a technology that does not work with
modern versions of Java.

>  - bin/bootstrap.jar
> "
> Is this all correct?
> Am I missing anything?

There may be some "last resort" defaults, e.g. I see that a copy of
catalina.properties is present in catalina.jar. I also see that
CatalinaBaseConfigurationSource#getResources() tries to load a
resource from a ClassLoader, but it would be odd to put configuration

>From the docs I know that a system property "catalina.config" may be
used to override the path to the "catalina.properties" file, but I
personally have not used that feature and do not know whether it is
useful. As documentation for that property is improved in Tomcat 10 vs
Tomcat 7, I think there was some discussion.


I know that path to server.xml may be specified at the command line.
See o.a.startup.Catalina#arguments() for "-config".
I have not tested whether it works, and I do not see "-config" being
documented in RUNNING.txt or elsewhere in the docs.

Best regards,
Konstantin Kolinko

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