
On 10/3/20 14:39, Mark Thomas wrote:
> Hi all,
> I mentioned TCK status during a couple of ApacheCon presentations.
> Having checked the current status I thought it would be worth sending a
> brief note to the list. More detail is on the wiki:
> The short version is:
> - EL: all tests pass
> - JSP: all tests pass (once the TCK regression is fixed)
> - WebSocket: all tests pass
> - Servlet: one failure (expected)
> So, all good. No issues.
> Mark
> P.S. If you are wondering the servlet failure is because Tomcat ignores
> any suggested context path in web.xml and will ALWAYS derive the context
> path from the file name to avoid ambiguities and conflicts.

I can't for the life of me find a reference to how you "suggest" the
context path in web.xml. Is this using the appCxtRoot env-entry? I
thought that was vendor-specific...


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