On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 13:37 -0600, William A. Rowe, Jr. wrote:
> Will, this doesn't belong on Gentoo - it's a dev/quality check, no different
> than any other snapshot.

Sure but it's sources of a future release, so I will make them available
for anyone to test. Just as I would with alpha, beta, etc. If upstream
has no use for this. Then surely I won't mind not doing bumps, etc for
dev/qa snapshots or etc. Less work ++

>   (If you ship snaps on Gentoo, be our guest.)

We don't really have a suffix for that. Some of the other stuff residing
on p.a.o, I have recently suffixed with _pre. A _dev would be nice,
other stuff get's _alpha, _beta, respectively. This one slipped by me,
should have done _pre I guess. Not sure if we have anything in
particular for snapshots.

We can even do cvs/svn ones if we really want/need to follow development
that closely. What ever upstream prefers, and of course downstream
packager me. :) Now these do not go into stable, they go into ~arch
which is experimental or testing. If really bad, they could go into
overlay. But I prefer main tree/repository. For ease of use, and
greatest exposure.

These types of bumps are minor, and I like to test myself in my own
envs. So can't hurt to make it available for others to test etc.

But if I can ignore them, or etc, just confirm that, and I will do so
from now on.

Thanks much :)

William L. Thomson Jr.

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