"William A. Rowe, Jr." <wr...@rowe-clan.net> wrote in message 
> Henri Gomez wrote:
>> If i recall the tomcat story (10 years).
>> Today
>> Sun has it's own implementation, Grizzly.
>> Jboss forked tc code in it's own implémentation for AS.
>> Spring Source embed it in it's DM server.
> It's disturbing that you fail to mention Geronimo altogether.  If we can't
> have cohesion within the ASF - you expect to create it externally?

I think that where Henri is going is that Tomcat has always been dependant 
on corporate sponsorship.  First on Sun (who forked the code to GlassFish), 
then on JBoss (whom I understand from messages on the list has forked as 
well), and currently on SpringSource.  Geronimo has historically considered 
Tomcat as a poor cousin ;), and preferred Jetty.  Admittedly that has 
changed recently, and we're getting more patch submissions from Geronimo. 
But AFAIK, there are still no committers to both Tomcat and Geronimo.

>> That's my wishes for Tomcat, not just code, bits and specs compliance,
>> but recreate a new wider commiters/contributors community.
> It takes outreach to make that happen.  Mark isn't offbase, keep posting
> your wishes here, but if you want to make it happen, engage these other
> communities.
> The ASF isn't about being the only code solution.  It's about 
> collaboration
> to create what the active developers determine is the best solution.  If
> anything is lacking in Tomcat, address it, and work with others to address
> it, but certainly don't spend your time wishing things were otherwise. 

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