After building myself a couple of tiny websites using Antora 
( I’ve become somewhat interested in site generation from 

I looked at the current TomEE documentation site and am not entirely thrilled 
with the appearance.

I spent a couple of hours finding things, arranging the docs into an antora 
structure, and setting up some configuration.

You can see the results here: 

The source for this is at, antora branch.

This makes no attempt to be a reasonable structure: I just found 
documentation.adoc, converted it to an Antora nav file, and picked docs.adoc 
for the home page.

Does this seem like a direction worth pursuing?  I’m willing to spend a few 
days organizing stuff better, fixing the warnings and errors, and sprucing up 
the UI (I can change colors and remove the irrelevant stuff from the header, 
but advanced css is beyond me at this point).

There are also a couple of directions of experimentation I might like to pursue:

— Antora doesn’t have a good strategy for multi-language sites.  Since there’s 
at least some translation going on here, this seems like a good place to try 
out solutions.  I haven’t found the translations yet :-) Provisionally my first 
idea would be to represent languages as versions: 8.0 is english, 8.0-sp, 
8.0-pt, 8.0-ru etc are the other languages.   You could pick your language in 
the lower left component-version selector (on the preview only tomee/8.0 is 

- I think there might be some javadoc somewhere :-)  Antora also doesn’t have a 
good strategy for including externally generated content.  I have an idea 
around this that just might work :-)

On my GitHub clone I only see a master branch, which I assume is the tomee 8 
line.  Where are the earlier versions? Where is their documentation?  Antora is 
really good at building sites with many versions of the docs (as long as the 
source is in asciidoc).

David Jencks

ps. My google search for the docs brought up this:

which doesn’t look good.

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