That’s great info and good points!

To build a site with Antora you basically need to be able to write a little 
yaml :-)

Lets see how far I get with a bit of effort.  Is there a way to find all the 
source for the live CMS (and nothing that’s been replaced)?

David Jencks

> On Feb 7, 2020, at 2:34 PM, David Blevins <> wrote:
> Here's the status of the site in general.
> The original site was written using the Apache CMS (2011).  Several 
> extensions were made to it to get functionality it didn't have.  The CMS and 
> the extensions were written in Perl which nobody knows.  Much of the 
> extensions were around our examples.  Others were to hint css so some pages 
> could leverage twitter bootstrap capabilities.  I knew enough to write the 
> extensions, but eventually I became too busy and that left nobody knowing how 
> it all works.
> Work on a new site started using JBake (Dec 2016, early 2017).  Some custom 
> code was written to replace features of the CMS and extensions.  The site 
> went live with around 30% of the content migrated and the rest left as-is, 
> still live and online being served by the CMS.  The justification being it 
> was all old content anyway and not worth migrating.  It was not deleted 
> either.  That left us with two live sites indexed by Google and confused 
> users who couldn't really understand what was current and what was not and 
> why some pages looked different than others.  The momentum behind the new 
> site stopped, considering the job done.
> Work restarted on the JBake setup (Dec 2018, early 2019) to try and eliminate 
> the CMS further, fix issues with the site, add versioning of content, add 
> support for new languages and publish the Javadoc.  We overall went from 30% 
> JBake and 70% CMS to 90% Jbake and 10% CMS.  Some of the CMS content, 
> however, still needs significant love.  We still have CMS pages indexed on 
> Google that need to be replaced.
> So our overall status is we still have live CMS content.  Here's one example:
> -
> We have some pages that use CMS formatting and therefore don't render and 
> need to be manually addressed:
> -
> My personal perspective is that anything is a good idea as long as there's a 
> person there to make it real.  It doesn't matter what technology we use to 
> build the site as much as it matters that there's a person there willing to 
> do the work till it's 100% done.
> If someone wants to add a third site building framework on top of the other 
> two, leaving or losing interest before 100% of all content completely 
> converted over.  I would probably not be a fan.
> If someone wants to completely transition us onto one single system including 
> all content, without exception, leaving no trace of any past site building 
> tech.  Sounds good.
> Using something non-Java does eliminate most people's ability to help which 
> is what killed the CMS.  I have looked at Antora and its features are great 
> and so is Dan.  But not being written in Java made it just out of reach for 
> me and I know I would not be able to help at all.
> I definitely would not support going live on a third website-building setup 
> with the other two in any way still serving content.  Our well-intentioned 
> plans to finish the transitions later have never worked out in practice.
> I definitely would *love* to have one fabulous David Jencks active on the 
> project, so despite our past failures I'd support the attempt because getting 
> you active on the project is way bigger than any website.  If this is what 
> you're passionate about, then giddy-up. :)
> -- 
> David Blevins
>> On Feb 6, 2020, at 8:14 PM, David Jencks <> wrote:
>> After building myself a couple of tiny websites using Antora 
>> ( I’ve become somewhat interested in site generation from 
>> asciidoc.
>> I looked at the current TomEE documentation site and am not entirely 
>> thrilled with the appearance.
>> I spent a couple of hours finding things, arranging the docs into an antora 
>> structure, and setting up some configuration.
>> You can see the results here:
>> <>
>> The source for this is at, antora branch.
>> This makes no attempt to be a reasonable structure: I just found 
>> documentation.adoc, converted it to an Antora nav file, and picked docs.adoc 
>> for the home page.
>> Does this seem like a direction worth pursuing?  I’m willing to spend a few 
>> days organizing stuff better, fixing the warnings and errors, and sprucing 
>> up the UI (I can change colors and remove the irrelevant stuff from the 
>> header, but advanced css is beyond me at this point).
>> There are also a couple of directions of experimentation I might like to 
>> pursue:
>> — Antora doesn’t have a good strategy for multi-language sites.  Since 
>> there’s at least some translation going on here, this seems like a good 
>> place to try out solutions.  I haven’t found the translations yet :-) 
>> Provisionally my first idea would be to represent languages as versions: 8.0 
>> is english, 8.0-sp, 8.0-pt, 8.0-ru etc are the other languages.   You could 
>> pick your language in the lower left component-version selector (on the 
>> preview only tomee/8.0 is present)
>> - I think there might be some javadoc somewhere :-)  Antora also doesn’t 
>> have a good strategy for including externally generated content.  I have an 
>> idea around this that just might work :-)
>> On my GitHub clone I only see a master branch, which I assume is the tomee 8 
>> line.  Where are the earlier versions? Where is their documentation?  Antora 
>> is really good at building sites with many versions of the docs (as long as 
>> the source is in asciidoc).
>> thanks
>> David Jencks
>> ps. My google search for the docs brought up this:
>> which doesn’t look good.

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