Hey, Rod!

> On Jun 23, 2020, at 11:45 AM, Jenkins, Rodney J (Rod) 
> <jenki...@nationwide.com> wrote:
> This may be a really dumb line of questions but.....

I've got a saying:

 - Ask a dumb question and look dumb for a minute.  Don't ask a dumb question 
and be dumb forever.

Anyway, better luck next time as your question is actually really good. :)

> Currently for TomEE 8, we use openjdk:8-jre as our base.  Does this (or 
> should we ) make a change and make from another base?  If so, what base?
> For TomEE we have these profiles:
> plume
> webprofile
> Microprofile
> Plus
> Do we want the same profiles for TomEE 9 going forward?

The TCK tests I ran to get the 90% were all done on JDK 8 so for now we 
probably should put out the same four profiles for TomEE 9.0.0-M1 for JDK 8.

That said, to actually be certified in the future we'll have to pass on Java 
11.  Passing on Java 8 is actually optional from a specification perspective.  
We know TomEE 9 should always on work JDK 8 because we're creating these 
binaries by modifying TomEE 8.

Where that leaves it is it's pretty much our choice.  We could do either.

Maybe people who try out TomEE 9 in Docker might prefer to Java 11 be the base? 
(when we actually start testing on that JDK that is)



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