Great work!

It’s really nice we don’t have to hide it!

David Jencks

> On Nov 16, 2020, at 3:40 PM, Jean-Louis Monteiro <> 
> wrote:
> Hi community,
> Alongside with the Jakarta EE 9 work I've been doing, I tried to look at
> TomEE coverage for EE 8 and EE 9. They are quite close in terms of scope.
> The only difference is pretty much only the namespace change from javax to
> jakarta.
> I looked into our EE 9 coverage with our TomEE 9 milestone and we are quite
> far in terms of coverage.
> I pushed some setup changes in the dedicated
> branch to bring the
> coverage near EE 8 coverage with TomEE (aka around 90+ %)
> The big gaps were as far as I can see around jaspic, securityapi and jta.
> It's about authentication for containers. We don't have much but setup
> because we rely on Tomcat's implementation.
> We are having some issues with the setup because of the way TCK is built
> for jaspic. I've been able to workaround some, but I also got hit by TCK
> issues.
> See TomEE tickets
> 2/ Security API
> This is about authorization and stores.
> This time implementation is all in TomEE (see tomee-security module). I'll
> try to send another email with a walk through. It's been mostly implemented
> in a quick and dirty mode but it needs tests and hardening before we can
> call it done. With that we can cover nearly 100% coverage of TCK.
> But, because there is a bug, we have random failures due to the way TCK is
> built. I'll create a new ticket shortly to describe the issue.
> 3/ JTA
> We used to be covering 100% but we are down to 70% because of the addition
> of @Transactional CDI tests. I again looked into our implementation and the
> tests and found again issues with the TCK
> See ticket
> I'll continue to dig into the other areas.
> Especially everything related to Tomcat should be closer to 100% than it is
> today (JSTL, JSP, Servlet and WebSockets).
> If you want to help and look at them, that'd be great.
> Basically follow the steps to run the TCK locally as described here
> and run
> com.sun.ts.tests.jstl
> com.sun.ts.tests.jsp
> com.sun.ts.tests.servlet
> com.sun.ts.tests.websocket
> Then go ahead and investigate. Feel free to create a ticket or at least
> shoot something in the mailing list so we don't duplicate the efforts.
> Hope it helps
> --
> Jean-Louis Monteiro

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