I am a bit confused : I thought that renaming of javax.* into
jakarta.* packages for the EE API is only targeted for TomEE 9.x.

In such case, what would be the content of a TomEE 8.0.7 release?

In any cases, I'd be happy to see a TomEE 8.0.7 release soon, in order
to get latest CVE fixes since 8.0.6.

Kind regards,

Le sam. 1 mai 2021 à 03:32, David Blevins <david.blev...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> Heads up that we are narrowing in in the last few TCK issues and there is 
> still some chance we can be Jakarta EE 9.1 Web Profile certified in time for 
> the Jakarta EE 9.1 release vote Monday.
> It would be super super and I mean *super* tight....
> However, if we can get it done we'll need to do a release vote by no later 
> than Sunday afternoon and file our certification request.  We don't need to 
> have concluded our vote to make the Jakarta EE 9.1 release ballot, we just 
> need final binaries of our own to be at least in staging and in the process 
> of our own vote.
> We do need that vote pass, however, so that would require some pragmatism on 
> all our parts.
> For that reason I recommend we do not try to push out a 9.0.0 final, but go 
> ahead with 9.0.0-M7. If there are some issues with the binaries we put up for 
> vote, unless they are legal issues, we can still release them and immediately 
> fix the issues next week in a subsequent 8.0.8 and 9.0.0-M8.  There's no 
> reason to "wait", we can simply release twice.  Version numbers are free.
> The Jakarta EE 9.1 release vote lasts for two weeks and an announcement would 
> happen some days after that.  Ff we did want to push out a 9.0.0 for the 
> announcement, we'd have at least till May 17th to do that, perhaps even the 
> 20th.
> The reason we want to get certified in time for the ballot is recently there 
> was a change that implementations listed on the ballot get a special place at 
> the top of the specification page.  Any implementations that come even one 
> day later cannot be included and will not be accepted or given special 
> designation.  This lasts forever and is a permanent advantage to those in the 
> list.  It's also a permanent *disadvantage* to those not on the list.  It's 
> eat or be eaten.
> So that's what we're going for:  A staged binary up for a vote here, passing 
> the TCK, in time to be listed on the Jakarta EE 9.1 release ballot Monday.
> -David

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