> On Mar 19, 2022, at 2:30 AM, Swell <souheil.sul...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Regarding Tomee website : one web page mislead me to believe that Tomee Plus
> includes Tomee Plume, and it made it hard for me to understand why my
> webapp was not loading.
> I believe it could mislead others and its why I wanted to suggest some
> changes on its content to better show the delta between flavors.
> Currently the flavors page does not differentiate between Micro and Web
> profiles, nor does it tell Plume includes EclipseLink when Plus does not.
> I took time to write a page I believe could be usefull to Tomee users, a
> screenshot is linked below, the visitors could benefit from my additional
> table for synthesis of deltas.
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/13041318/image-2022-03-18-20-36-25-938.png

Hi Swell,

Thank you so much for taking the time to put so much thought into this work.  
We are truly lucky :)

I love that you included the MicroProfile detail, that was definitely missing 
and badly needed.  As the table is quite large already, that terse summary at 
the top is a very nice improvement and likely to help people see the big 
picture significantly faster.

In the first table, I like the way you used "Jakarta JSF Implementation" and 
list the implementations by name.  For consistency, can we use that same 
approach for the line above?  Instead of it saying "EclipseLink" and having a 
checkmark, could we also have it say "Jakarta Persistence (JPA) Implementation" 
and then put "OpenJPA, OpenJPA, EcliseLink, OpenJPA" in there?  We can do that 
in both the top and bottom tables.

On listing OpenEJB in the bottom table.  I think it's fine  I'm not the best 
judge of what people think is useful information as I've been working on the 
project too long and everything is "obvious."  Do you find it helpful to see 
OpenEJB listed even though it's the same for all distributions.  Do you think 
we possibly need a table entirely dedicated to implementations? (OpenWebBeans, 
Geronimo Transaction Manager, BVal, etc)

Some minor trademark corrections:

 - "GlassFish Mojarra" is "Eclipse Mojarra"
 - "Jakarta JSF" is "Jakarta Faces", but "Jakarta Faces (JSF)" is completely 
fine and encouraged so people are aware of its new and former name.
 - "Jakarta EJB" is "Jakarta Enterprise Beans", but "Jakarta Enterprise Beans 
(EJB)" is completely fine and encouraged so people are aware of its new and 
former name.
 - "Jakarta JPA" is "Jakarta Persistence", but "Jakarta Persistence (JPA)" is 
completely fine and encouraged so people are aware of its new and former name.
 - OpenJPA, OpenEJB and MyFaces are all Apache trademarks, so if we're going to 
say "Apache MyFaces" on the page, we need to also use "Apache OpenJPA" and 
"Apache OpenEJB"

Total side note to the wider dev list, we really need to get JBatch into Plume! 
 Those distributions are supposed to be the same minus the JPA and JSF 

Thank you so much, again, for all work on this and being patient getting 
bounced around between different repos and ultimately onto the list.  We'd be 
happy to see you post as often as you like :)


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