Last month can be found
Here is the draft for this month. Mostly the same except the "How has the
*" questions. Please give feedback...


Toree provides applications with a mechanism to interactively and remotely
access Apache Spark. It enables interactive workloads between applications
and a Spark cluster. As a Jupyter Notebook extension, it provides the user
with a preconfigured environment for interacting with Spark using Scala,
Python, R or SQL.

Toree has been incubating since 2015-12-02.

Three most important issues to address in the move towards graduation:

  1. Removal of LGPL dependency
  2. Ease of installation
  3. Documentation of APIs

Any issues that the Incubator PMC (IPMC) or ASF Board wish/need to be
aware of?

  TOREE-262 - Progress on removal of LGPL dependency

How has the community developed since the last report?

  1. Active communication in mailing list and gitter with early adopters
  2. Still working on transitioning users from Spark Kernel project into
  3. First external contribution made by user @*dongjoon-hyun
  4. Apache Toree is being taught at EVENT_NAME

How has the project developed since the last report?

  1. Contrinue working with JeroMQ community to further their transition
     MPL v2 and away from LGPL.
  2. Magics are not implemented using plug-in framework
  3. Enable sharing of Spark and SQL context between the different
supported languages
  4. Added support to try Toree using Binder (
  5. Misc bug fixes and features

Date of last release:

  None since incubation.

When were the last committers or PMC members elected?

  No new additions since incubation

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