fwiw,  1.8.0 was lengthy because of the transition to Apache Incubator
-- we had a lot of work there.  And 2.0.0 was as well because of the
transition to postgres from mysql.   2.1.0 is expected to be
significantly less trouble,   and Eric and I have paved the way to
make it so.   We'll be available to assist whomever takes on the role
of release manager.


On Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 1:38 PM, Dave Neuman <neu...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hey All,
> Now that 2.0 has officially passed the project and IPMC vote (YAY!), it's
> time to start thinking about 2.1.  I don't think we have identified a
> release manager for the 2.1 release yet, would anyone like to volunteer?
> Thanks,
> Dave

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