No more feedback from you guys since one week.

Which solution do you consider better? The chunk validity bitmap, the
start/end span scheme or maybe another idea?

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 1:30 AM, Bogdan Graur <> wrote:

> > Can we also consider the other way: make the request to the origin server
>> > with a larger range so that we may 'join' two disjoint parts of the
>> data?
>> > (try to avoid having many empty chunks in between filled chunks)
>> We can consider it but I think it won't work. It would require, among
>> other things, cleverness in changing the outgoing request *and* tweaking
>> the response so that the client gets the originally requested range.
>> Unlikely to be worth it - better to do something in the nature of the other
>> bug you mentioned where, in a plugin, completely synthetic range request
>> are generated to fill gaps.
> You're right. Changing the request and the response is not the safest
> thing to do.
> The idea to generate synthetic range requests from a plugin to fill in
> gaps sounds very good if you say it can be done.
>> > The solution with the chunk validity bitmap has the advantage that it
>> works
>> > fine without throwing away cached data.
>> > Does throwing away parts of a cached object while updating the cache for
>> > the same object raise any synchronization issues?
>> No, because you don't really throw away the data, you simply change the
>> valid span values in the fragment. Reading and writing those have to be
>> synchronized for other reasons so it's no additional cost.
>> Which is better may well depend on our anticipated access pattern. It's
>> easy to think of a plausible pattern where a client "rolls through" an
>> object via range requests (a very common pattern in practice) and each
>> range request spans chunks without every covering a chunk so you don't
>> actually store anything from the entire set of requests, even though ATS
>> saw the entire object. The span scheme, OTOH, would end up capturing the
>> entire object.
> This "roll through" use case might indeed be the common pattern.
> The chunk validity solution behavior for this case:
> In the worse case, as you commented, after reading the whole object we
> will not be able to cache anything from the object.
> In the average case (when a range request is bigger than the size of the
> chunk) the cached object will have many not filled chunks and we might have
> to do a lot of small range request to fill these gaps.
> The span scheme behavior is ideal in both the average and worst case
> scenario.
> Other use cases:
> - "roll through" a part of the object then skip a portion of a file and
> then "roll through" again (and so on): the span scheme is again the better
> one as this is a generalization of the common pattern.
> - make many "disjoint" range requests: the two solutions would probably be
> equally good with a plus on the side of the chunk validity bitmap solution
> as it might cache more data.
> Any other use cases I have missed?

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