3) Does it run on platforms that are supported by ATS, like FreeBSD? I
thought there was not official support without patching it, but not

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 7:58 PM, Alan Carroll
<solidwallofc...@oath.com.invalid> wrote:
> There are two big issues for me:
> 1) What level of use will we have in the rest of the ATS core? It's a big
> chunk for just one place in the core. If that were it, I'd be more tempted
> to port the equivalent container from Concurrency Kit which would have a
> much smaller footprint.
> 2) How stable is this? I've heard claims TBB is expected to be the base for
> the next generation of STL parallel containers. Is that true? Does anyone
> actually know?


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