Thanks Justin,

Please check it again.


Justin Mclean <> 于2020年2月5日周三 上午11:04写道:

> Hi,
> Thanks for updating it. I still think improvements need to be made.
> Why is "Grow the community,add system functions” an issue that the board
> or Incubator needs to know about? Only things that the board or Incubator
> need to take action on need to be listed here.
> In you email you said "we need to adjust the current communicate way, by
> email, not only IM.”, if this is an an issue then add it to the report. The
> report needs to be an honest assessment and shouldn't leave things out.  If
> you add this  then future reports can track progress on this issue.
> Things were left out last month and this month it seems. What I do when I
> writing a report is to go though all the mailing lists (dev and private),
> JIRA, ,GitHub and write down any events that happened or anything off
> interest. I do this a week or more ahead of the deadline and post a draft
> so other people can contribute. In your case you may need to include
> off-list communication and mention that this need to be corrected. For
> instance I assume the meetup was discussed off-list?
> The report still contains meaningless numbers on GitHub and the like
> please remove then unless there is something interesting to say about those
> numbers. Those number on their own mean nothing to anyone outside the
> project and the people reading this report are not involved in your project.
> Thanks,
> Justin

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