Hi Joerg , hi Laurent ,

> searching on python.org for "pyd dll windows 2.5" gives
> http://www.python.org/download/releases/2.5/NEWS.txt

Thank you very much!

> What I actually wonder about is that python within the office process
> still works, do you move from pyuno.dll to pyuno.pyd or do you create a
> copy ? 
create a copy .

>The pythonloader.dll is linked to pyuno.dll via the import lib.
> This should fail, as the pyuno.dll is not there ? This needs to be solved.

yes, I think so.

so when I move from pyuno.dll to pyuno.pyd , there is something worng when I 
run "dmake runtest" .

The error infomation is:

[e:\ooo_ooe680_m6_src\testtools\source\bridgetest\pyuno]dmake runtest
dmake: Executing shell macro: +echo %_cwd
dmake: Executing shell macro: +echo %_4ver
start test with  dmake runtest
dmake: Executing shell macro: echo import os;print os.getcwd() | $(PYTHON)
cd ..\..\..\wntmsci10.pro\bin && set FOO=file:///E:/ooo_OOE680_m6_src/testtools/
source/bridgetest/pyuno/../../../wntmsci10.pro/bin &&           set UNO_TYPES=py
uno_regcomp.rdb && set UNO_SERVICES=pyuno_regcomp.rdb && python main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "main.py", line 47, in <module>
  File "e:\ooo_OOE680_m6_src\solver\680\wntmsci10.pro\bin\pyuno\unohelper.py", l
ine 219, in addComponentsToContext
    implReg.registerImplementation( loaderName,componentUrl, reg )
unohelper.CannotRegisterImplementationException: ImplementationRegistration::reg
isterImplementation() - The service com.sun.star.loader.Python cannot be instant

dmake:  Error code 129, while making 'runtest'
'---* tg_merge.mk *---'

On Windows ,there is a new problem on the step 4, On Linux , no the problem .
*On windows( XP ):*
  1.  I have a look at every modification within the patch file , evaluate 
   and recreate every patch file .
      convert VC.net project files(.vcproj) to Makefile for the 
    Python-2.5 Source,
      then recreate the Python-2.5.patch .
 2.  modify the files: python/makefile.mk&pyversion.mk;
       change the ZIP:python/download/Python-2.3.4.tar.bz2 to 
       modify the python\prj\d.lst according to the python-2.5 source.
 3.   change the file ooo_src680_m196\scripting\source\pyprov\mailmerge.py.
       for the class MIMEBase is in the different namespace in the 
 4.  rebuild the modules: python, pyuno, scripting, testtools and scp2.
     rebuilding the pyuno module, there is an error:
     register component 'pythonloader.uno' in registry 'pyuno_services.tmp' 
     error (CannotRegisterImplementationException): loading component library 
failed: pythonloader.uno.dll

the pythonloader.uno.dll is in pyuno\wntmsci10.pro\ ,

and I create a copy from pythonloader.uno.dll to pythonloader.uno.pyd.

but can't get rid off the error.

any good advice?

( Your email firewall filters my email, and I can't send to your private email 
address ).


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