Hi Morten,

Morten Omholt Alver wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working on a plugin for interfacing JabRef and OpenOffice. This
> involves inserting citation markers in a Writer text (representing a
> bibliography citation), and formatting a reference list based on which
> citations appear in the text. This is not done using OO's built-in
> bibliographic functions, but handled entirely by the plugin.
> For reference, the current version of the plugin is available here:
> http://www.itk.ntnu.no/ansatte/Alver_Omholt_Morten/jabref/OOPlugin.html
> In the current implementation I insert a ReferenceMark for which I set
> the text to appear in the document (the citation). The name of each
> ReferenceMark is chosen so it indicates which bibliographic entries
> (known to JabRef) it represents - therefore the actual text shown in
> the document does not need to carry that information.
> There are two problems with my approach:
> * First, the text in the reference mark is editable, so the user can
> accidentally add text to the marker instead of outside of it.
> * Second, the reference marks are lost when saving to Word format.
> I'm wondering if there is another mechanism I'm overlooking, which
> would allow me to insert uneditable markers (gray like reference
> marks), or if it is possible to make the reference marks uneditable?
> It would be a bonus if the mechanism also could be conserved when
> interchanging documents with MS Word.

We are planning to support citation better in future versions of OOo.
Please feel invited to discuss this with us on [EMAIL PROTECTED] I
assume that Bruce d'Arcus, the Bibliographic project lead, will join
this discussion as he reads our list also.

Best regards,

Mathias Bauer (mba) - Project Lead OpenOffice.org Writer
OpenOffice.org Engineering at Sun: http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS
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