On 04/21/09 01:51, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
On Tue, 14 Apr 2009 10:58:22 -0500, Daniel Elliott <danelliotts...@gmail.com> wrote:


Thank you to all for this very cool library!  I am a bit new and need
some guidance.

Using the tutorials in the wiki, I now know how to load, modify, and
save writer docs using the API.  However, we are writing a desktop app
that we will distribute and would like to avoid distributing the open
office executables (just the api libraries, would be preferable).

All I need to do is add a graphic or two and some values in
pre-specified locations.  Is it possible to do this without using the
OO services of a hidden OO instance and just either parse the doc or
build an app from scratch using API calls?

Thank you.

- dan

It would be interesting to know what the URE (UNO Runtime Environment) for you. All I could find was this: http://udk.openoffice.org/common/man/draft/standalone_uno_1_0.html

A standalone URE would not be of use here, as it only provides the UNO infrastructure and some low-level services. All the document-manipulation UNO services are a (deeply intertwined) part of OOo and are only available in a complete OOo installation (currently, at least).


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