Thank you all for your wonderful comments (blush!). 

I feel with the recent activity picking up under Richard's initiative that UIMA
is in good hands.

Based on this consensus, I'll draft the appropriate resolution for the next
board meeting.


On 10/18/2020 10:19 AM, Marshall Schor wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> After a decade of serving as the UIMA Project's PMC Chairperson, I've decided 
> to
> step down as the UIMA PMC chair, as soon as we can reach a consensus on a new
> chairperson.
> I have found being the chairperson of this project and working with the
> community on it, to be extremely personally rewarding, for which I am very
> grateful.  My own personal job role has shifted considerably over these years,
> and I now find that I currently do not have time to focus on this role.
> It's a good policy to have new people with fresh energy step up into this role
> from time to time.
> In terms of possible candidates, I see that Richard Eckart de Castilho has
> recently become quite active, and has picked up the activity around the core
> uimaj project as well, including working on many tricky internal issues;  if 
> he
> were willing, I think he would be a very good candidate as the next PMC chair.
> Please express your opinions, and let's form a consensus, which we can then
> formalize with a [VOTE].
> -Marshall

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