The REST API is actually being rewritten as a GraphQL API in the specification 
work so we can include these changes.

I think the hierarchy was used to also retrieve all conditions and properties 
under a global parent tag called "eventCondition" or things like that. Will 
this be modified to use something else ?

Will categories be introduced to replace the tag hierarchy ?


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> Le 2 août 2017 à 02:51, Thomas Draier <> a écrit :
> Hi,
> +1 for cleaning tags and removing the explicit tag hierarchy.
> If you have a script that automatically add parents tags, getting all items
> for a specific tag will be much easier ad faster - no need to do  recursive
> calls to look for all parent tags. The drawback is that all
> recursive/includeFromSubtags parameters in getXxByTags methods will not
> work anymore, it won't be possible to not include sub tags. Internally all
> calls are done with including sub tags, so no impact here - however in the
> rest api the default value for these params are "false". This will change
> the api, but I don't know if these parameters really make sense anyway ?
> Still in REST api, you won't get the subTags anymore. You will only be able
> to get a flat list of tags, returned by an aggregate query. These are
> changes in the public api, but if everybody agrees i'm completely for it.
> We just need to deprecate these methods and do the changes in a major
> version.
> Also, note that the script will update existing data, but beware that
> bundles may reimport condition/action/properties with tags, that do not
> include their parents. Old plugins may not be compatible and their json
> will need to be updated.
> Thomas
>> On Tue, Aug 1, 2017 at 2:20 PM Damien GAILLARD <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> We are planning on refactoring a bit the tags in Apache Unomi and as we are
>> planning to release 1.2.0 soon we want to deprecate a number of associated
>> functions so we can remove them in the next release.
>> As of today, the tags are not easy to extend because they are not persisted
>> in ES, but in-memory which is a problem in a cluster environment (e.g. if
>> you add a new tag you need to make sure all clusters know about it and
>> they will disappear after next restart).
>> Also, they have a hierarchy so what we would like to do is remove the
>> hierarchy and remove the in-memory map so the tags will be an open string
>> list.
>> Of course, a script executed at the startup will add the parent tag to the
>> children etc...
>> If you have any other ideas to change the behaviour of the tags, please
>> share.
>> Cheers
>> --
>> Damien GAILLARD
>> Software Developer
>> <
>> <
>> 8 rue du sentier | 75002 | France
>> <
>> <
>> <>
>> <>
>>> JAHIA <> empowers organizations to create
>> sophisticated websites that drive their business growth

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